January 10, 2015

Weekly News 1/12

Parent Reminders

Please send in sanitizing wipes and tissue. We are trying to keep the room clean and free of germs.
(one service hour will be given for 2 boxes of tissue and 1 pack of sanitizing wipes)

Visit the Class Dojo and Gradelink to track your child’s behavior and academic progress

Upcoming Events

1/12—First Communion meeting # 9
           Time: 7:00 pm (Monday Session)
1/16—Early Dismissal
          12:00 pm
1/17—First Communion meeting # 9
           Time: 8:00 pm (Saturday Session)
1/19—Holiday No School
          (Martin Luther King)
1/25—Family Mass and Open house
          8:00 a.m. in Spanish
            10:00 a.m. in English 

Student Reminders

² Remember to log on to Mathletics and complete the  assigned activities
² Homework is due every day and it is part of your grade!

Spelling List
Focus on long e
1.    free
2.    cheat
3.    please
4.    clean
5.    people
6.    team
7.    street
8.    sweep
9.    keep
10.          sneeze
11.          feet
12.          feel
13.          sheet
14.          three
15.          green 

January 4, 2015

Parent Reminders

Welcome Back!
I hope that you had a restful holiday. Thank you for all your help during the Christmas program

Student Reminders

² Remember to log on to Mathletics to complete the assigned activities
o   Have your parent or an adult sign your behavior log
² Homework is due every day and it is part of your grade!

Upcoming Events

1/5—First Communion meeting # 8
           Time: 7:00 pm (Monday Session)
1/10—First Communion meeting # 8
           Time: 8:00 am (Saturday Session)
1/12—First Communion meeting # 9
           Time: 8:00 am (Saturday Session)
1/16—Early Dismissal
          12:00 pm
1/17—First Communion meeting # 9
           Time: 7:00 pm (Monday Session)
1/19—Holiday No School
          (Martin Luther King)
1/25—Family Mass
          8:00 a.m. in Spanish
            10:00 a.m. in English

Spelling List
Focus oo spelling
1.    booth
2.    spoon
3.    crook
4.    mistook
5.    bamboo
6.    blood
7.    mood
8.    troop
9.    waterproof
10.          snoop
11.          school
12.          pool
13.          book
14.          storybook
15.          scooter