November 17, 2013

Weekly News November 18, 2013

Parent Reminders

Canned Food Drive
*We are collecting canned food to make Thanksgiving baskets. Please send canned goods to help out.
  Estamos recolectando comida enlatada para hacer canastas de Acción de Gracias. Favor de enviar alimentos enlatados para ayudar.

Each class is also collecting $1.00 from every student to help the families in the Philippines.
Cada clase también está colectando $ 1.00 de cada estudiante para ayudar a las familias necesitadas. 

Upcoming Events

This Week

11/18—First Communion meeting # 6
           Time: 7:00 pm (Monday Session)
11/22—Parent Conferences (NO School)
11/23—First Communion meeting # 7
           Time: 8:00 am (Saturday Session)

Next Week
11/25—First Communion meeting # 7
           Time: 7:00 pm (Monday Session)
11/27—Early Dismissal (12:00pm)

11/28 and 11/29—Thanksgiving Break 

Spelling List

1. chase
2. catch
3. leash
4. thumb
5. which
6. sheet
7. teeth
8. smooth
9. shape
10. chin
11. shout
12. wash
13. path
14. shiver

15. chew